Monier Abd El-Ghani

My Biography
My Biography
Curriculum Vitae
List of Publications
Research Biography
The Plant Red Data Book of Egypt
Cairo University Herbarium
Photo Gallery
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1)           Monier Mohamed Abd El-Ghani was born on 09 September 1955 in Cairo, Egypt. In 1976, he graduated in Botany from the Faculty of Science, Cairo University, Egypt. Received his M.Sc. and Ph.D. (Taxonomy and Flora) from the same university in 1981 and 1985, respectively.


2)           Studies of his M.Sc. and Ph.D. explored the vegetation structure and the biodiversity of the alien plant species in the agro-ecosystems of the Oases of the Western Desert of Egypt and the Faiyum region of the Nile land.


3)           His research interest in the biodiversity in the arid regions of Egypt and Saudi Arabia resulted in publications on alien plant communities, influence of environmental parameters on plant distribution, island biography, dynamics of the desert vegetation, host-parasite relationship and desiccation tolerant plants.    


4)           As a co-author, he published in 1992 “The Plant Red Data Book of Egypt, Part I. Woody Perennials” which represents a substantial contribution in the field of threatened flora of Egypt. Outstanding presentation and extensive knowledge about these plant species constitute an essential precursor to any Red Data Book that is produced.


5)           For two successive years (1997 & 1998), he obtained a research fellowship granted from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation in Germany. In a worldwide competition, this fellowship is awarded to highly qualified scholars who are distinguished in their careers. This fellowship (in the Institute of Ecology, Technical University of Berlin) enabled him to resume his studies on the biodiversity, biogeography and the vegetation-environment relations in the principal ecosystems of the Oases of the Western Desert and southern Sinai, and the Eastern Desert of Egypt. His encounter with his host-professor, colleagues and with institutions of science in Germany provided him with most valuable and needed experience, enhanced his capabilities and availed himself to modern techniques and literature.


6)           Holding a professorship at the University of Cairo in the year 2000, he became the Director and Keeper of the Cairo University Herbarium, thereafter he started to initiate the Cairo University Database Project. His experience in this field is gained during his several visits (1980-1984) to Herbaria of the Royal Botanic Gardens and the British Museum in England, and (1997-1998) in the herbarium of the Botanisches Museum and Botanischer Garten (Berlin, Germany).


7)           His long-term record of research in the Western Desert of Egypt resulted in his current emphasis on its phytogeography. He is currently involved, with the German colleagues, in solving some critical problems of the plant distribution patterns and phytogeographical analysis in western Egypt. 


8)           In 2000, he awarded the Encouragement State Prize in biological sciences from the Egyptian Academy for Scientific Research and Technology. Three years after, 2003, he awarded another Encouragement Prize in biological sciences (applied and theoritical) from Cairo University. 
